Reduce Aging with an Eyebrow Lift
Brow Lifts
Aging of the eyebrows and deep creases that form across the forehead can dramatically impact one’s appearance. These signs of aging are prominent and can undermine one’s self-confidence. It may also make one look angry or tired. However, with a brow lift, you can refresh your appearance and rejuvenate the face. With eyebrows raised to where they once were, the clock is immediately reversed many years.
A brow lift is a cosmetic treatment that treats sagging skin and wrinkling around the forehead and eyebrows. There are two main types of brow lifts. One, is an open brow lift. The other is an endoscopic brow lift. What are the differences?
Open Brow Lift
The open technique involves a long incision to expose the muscles and bone. There are two types of open approaches. One, the surgeon makes the incision at the hairline. This offers the advantage of not only raising the brows but reducing the forehead. The second type is an incision along the top of the head ear to ear. This offers the advantage of a more hidden scar. The downside is that this incision brings the hairline back.
Endoscopic Brow Lift
The endoscopic brow lift saves one from a long incision. Instead, there are several small incisions in the hair bearing area of the scalp. From these sites, the brows can be repositioned to a higher point of the forehead. The major disadvantage to the endoscopic technique is longevity. It is unlikely that this method lasts as long as the open techniques. With the open technique, skin is excised. With the endoscopic technique, tissue is simply secured.
Both techniques for brow lifts can prove to be safe and effective. The most appropriate method must be one that fits the persons desires. The things to consider when choosing the type of procedure is longevity, hairline, and scars.
Speak with Dr. Tim Neavin to learn more information.
Contact us at our office in Beverly Hills to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Tim Neavin is a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Beverly Hills, California.