Tummy tuck in Beverly Hills - Top Abdominoplasty Surgeon
Dr. Neavin provides some of the best results for tummy tucks. For many patients in Beverly Hills, tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty is an excellent option to remove the pudge below the belly button or tummy, particularly after pregnancy when the muscles separate. A tummy tuck is often combined with liposuction to tighten the abdominal muscles and create a more sculpted result.
What is a Tummy tuck?
A tummy tuck procedure, also referred to as an abdominoplasty, is when the excess skin and fat is removed from the abdomen. This cosmetic procedure also commonly involves tightening abdominal muscles and removing fat through liposuction from both the love handles and/or flanks. The goal of the surgery is to slim the waist to achieve a tone and defined stomach. In some cases, it will give patients the abs they always have worked hard to achieve.
Abdominoplasty Benefits
One of the most sought-after aesthetic goals for both men and women is to have a toned abdomen. If you are dealing with a protruding abdomen or sagging belly, a tummy tuck is a great solution and will give you a dramatic transformation. A tummy tuck combined with liposuction will significantly reduce the visual prominence of a belly that bulges out and allow your abdomen muscles to be more visible.
Additionally, a great benefit of an abdominoplasty is that the results can be seen immediately. Unlike other plastic surgery procedures where you may have to wait months before the final result, tummy tuck results offer a sculpted abdomen right away.
Beverly Hills Tummy tuck Candidates
The best candidates for abdominoplasty are patients who are in good shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle and want to show off their abdominal muscles. In most cases, great candidates are patients that have reached their ideal weight but are bothered by excess fat around their bellies. While they have achieved their desired goal for their upper abdomen, even if they continue to diet and exercise they may still struggle to show off their lower abdomen muscles; these patients are great candidates for a tummy tuck.
Women after post-pregnancy
Ideal candidates also include women who have gone through pregnancy and have developed diastasis; the stretching of the abdominal wall during pregnancy. Women with diastasis find that it is impossible to restore their belly to the pre-pregnancy state despite a rigorous diet and exercise program and thus tummy tuck becomes the most effective solution for restoring the abs, removing abdominal skin, and regaining the definition they once had.
Individuals who have rapid weight loss
Candidates that have lost a lot of weight quickly often deal with skin laxity. Patients who have been overweight for some time and go through a weight loss journey and lose weight quickly will have excess skin hanging at the bottom of their belly. A tummy tuck is one of the best procedures after losing weight to give you the toned abs and defined look that you always desired.
For both men and women who lose a lot of weight quickly, the skin issue is not isolated to the belly. Candidates interested in a tummy tuck could combine the procedure with additional skin resection procedures (like body lift) to achieve a great transformation. Ultimately a consultation with Dr. Neavin will help determine the best plan for your tummy tuck and beyond.
Candidates need to have reasonable expectations and be willing to accept the trade-off of a surgical scar to achieve a more favorable figure. They also need to keep a stable weight and avoid weight fluctuations.
The Different Types of Tummy Tuck Procedures
There are several different types of tummy tuck techniques. Each surgical procedure differs in the components they address and the complexity of the surgery. In simple terms, there are:
Standard Abdominoplasty
The standard abdominoplasty is when the excess skin is removed and muscles are tightened. Liposuction is performed around the waist and the lower back. The belly button is then recreated.
Mini Tummy Tuck
A mini tummy tuck is popular amongst patients. This technique is when only skin is excised. The tummy and belly button is not recreated. Muscles are not tightened. It also has a much smaller scar due to a shorter incision, usually in the range and size of a C-section scar. This is best suited for those with little skin laxity.
Extended Tummy Tuck
The incision from this tummy tuck is carried more laterally to the flank. This is a frequent necessity for men and women who have lost significant weight. The incision often is carried to the backside. This is called a body lift. Muscles are tightened and the belly button is recreated.
Fleur de Lis Tummy Tuck
This abdominoplasty addresses laxity in both vertical and horizontal vectors. Skin is removed in the shape of an upside-down V from the sternum to the pubis. The resultant incision looks like an inverted T. The fleur de lis abdominoplasty is reserved for men and women with significant skin excess. Many patients who lose massive weight will benefit from this surgery Muscles are often tightened and the belly button is recreated.
Floating Tummy Tuck
A floating tummy tuck refers to the fact that the belly button is not recreated. In patients with reasonably good skin but loose muscles, one option is to tighten the muscles with resection (if any) skin. In these cases, the belly button may be relocated a little lower on the abdomen but there is no need to recreate it and add the additional scar.
Abdominoplasty Recovery
The healing process is different from patient to patient but the recovery process is similar to other plastic surgery procedures. Due to muscles being tightened during the tummy tuck surgery, tummy tuck patients should avoid any strenuous activity for at least 2 weeks. You should specifically refrain from any daily activities that require the use of your abdominal muscles for at least 4 weeks.
After surgery, patients report some soreness for up to 3 days after their tummy tuck. A compression garment will help with soreness and swelling. They often will walk hunched over during this period. For the most part, pain associated post tummy tuck surgery can be controlled with pain medication. Abdominoplasty is almost always an outpatient procedure, meaning patients will go home the same day. However, if one prefers to stay overnight in a facility with a nurse, that can be arranged through the office.
Tummy tuck and Liposuction
In most cases, abdominoplasty will include liposuction of the love handles, flanks, and potentially lower back and other areas. Liposuction should not be performed in the upper central abdomen during the time of a tummy tuck because this could disrupt the necessary blood flow to the skin and compromise healing. This is an important point to mention because if there is fat in the upper abdomen, this region will be moved to a lower position on the abdomen.
At a later date when one is healed, liposuction of this area can be performed. Because in most cases the main problem area is the pudge below the belly button, upper abdominal liposuction would otherwise be inconsequential to the overall outcome anyhow.
Tummy tuck Consultation
When you meet with Dr. Neavin for your initial consultation, as your tummy tuck surgeon, a complete medical history will be obtained that includes a full medication list. Because abdominoplasty surgery takes three to four hours to complete, you must be in relatively good shape to ensure a safe procedure. Any ongoing medical conditions may have to be discussed with your primary care doctor for clearance.
Skin quality, as well as fat deposition, will be examined. Loose skin alone does not make one a good candidate for a tummy tuck. Sometimes, as in the case of massive weight loss patients, loose skin is circumferential (around the entire body), and thus addressing only the abdomen may create a patch-work like a result. For some people that is satisfactory, but body lifting with skin excision in the love handles and lower back may yield a more powerful result over just a tummy tuck.
During your tummy tuck consultation, Dr. Neavin will also examine you for a hernia. Hernias can exist in many areas of the body, but as it relates to abdominoplasty, hernias of the abdomen (ventral) or belly button (umbilicus) may need to be repaired during the procedure.
Cost of Tummy tuck surgery in Beverly Hills, California
The average cost of a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills, CA costs $7000.
Choosing your Tummy tuck Surgeon
Dr. Neavin specializes in body contouring and has provided exceptional tummy tuck results for his patients as seen in his before and after gallery.
What are the risks of an abdominoplasty?
Dr. Neavin is a board-certified plastic surgeon and provides some of the best results for tummy tucks. For many patients in Beverly Hills, tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty is one of the most popular body contouring procedures and is an excellent option to remove the pudge below the belly button or tummy, particularly after pregnancy when the muscles separate. A tummy tuck is often combined with liposuction to create a more sculpted result.
Will I have visible scars after surgery?
A tummy tuck scar aims to hide them inside the lines of common swimwear. Generally, the incisions are placed low enough to be concealed even in underwear. If there is a large resection of the skin, there will need to be an incision (and scar) around the belly button. There are several techniques that plastic surgeons utilize to reduce scar exposure to the belly button. Dr. Neavin is an experienced surgeon when it comes to this procedure and takes great pride in this particular part of the tummy tuck operation and has his technique to minimize scar visibility and create an attractive, slight depression to accentuate the center of the abdomen. All scars go through phases and begin to fade within months after your procedure. Darker-skinned individuals may have more visible scarring undergoing a tummy tuck than people with fairer skin. Dr. Neavin will discuss with you his thoughts on scarring based on the current condition of your skin and your scar history.
Will a tummy tuck remove stretch marks?
An abdominoplasty may involve the resection of tissue that includes stretch marks. If the stretch marks extend well above the belly button, it is unlikely that all of the stretch marks will be removed. They may be stretched as they are pulled down to the waist.
Are the results of a tummy tuck permanent?
The results are permanent in the sense that whatever skin was removed is gone forever. And the muscles that were tightened should stay tight barring any rupture of stitches or pregnancy. Future weight changes can impact results. Pregnancy will separate the muscles from the midline during gestation.
Will I have drains after an abdominoplasty and if so how long?
Yes. Generally, two drains are placed and exit by the hips or in the pubic region. Drains are placed to collect the fluid that accumulates after surgery. Without drains, this fluid will likely not be reabsorbed into the body and accumulate under the skin. A collection of fluid that won’t reabsorb is called a seroma. Seromas can become infected or develop into firm scar tissue that can become visible.
A drain will likely be removed in the office if the output is less than 30 cc over 24 hours for two consecutive days.
It isn’t uncommon for men and women to gain weight as they age. With weight gain, fat will be distributed normally throughout the body. Small weight changes will have no impact on the abdominoplasty. Large gains in weight or weight loss will affect the tissues to an unpredictable degree depending on many factors.