What is Voluma?
Dermal Fillers
It seems like every day there are new products for facial rejuvenation. These products such as the dermal fillers, can rejuvenate the face or augment areas of the face to amplify beauty. Most of these products are temporary. Depending on the dermal filler such as Restylane or Juvederm, the results can last anywhere from six months to longer. The new kid on the block is Voluma. And this is what this article will focus on.
The difference between all of these products is both in the substance and the “particle size”. Importantly, not all of these products are safe to inject in all of the same areas. For instance, Radiesse, which is calcium hydroxylapetite, cannot safely be injected into the lips. Thus, it is more important than ever to seek out a qualified physician to perform in these injections. Selecting a Board Certified plastic surgeon will reduce the chances of major complications.
Voluma: The New Kid on the Block
A new product, called Voluma, is a very thick product. Plastic surgeons use it most often in the cheekbones to do lift the cheek. Like Radiesse, it is not safe for the lips. The product is simply too thick and can result in nodules that may persist for months or more.
What makes Voluma different then the other hyaluronic acid products is it’s longevity. Because the product stays in the body much longer then the other products, it is imperative that the skin surface is cleaned well before injection. On rare occasions Voluma can result in biofilms developing on the product. Such biofilms may result in prolonged tissue inflammation which may manifest as pain or deformation. Again, one more reminder to be sure to see a qualified physician.
Like Juvederm and Restylane, Voluma can be dissolved with an enzyme if one wants to dissolve the product. This should be reassuring for people that are uncertain if they want fuller cheeks for two years or more. Not surprisingly, because the product lasts longer, the company sells the product for more money then Restylane or Juvederm. This naturally translates into a higher cost for patients.
Below: High volume reshaping of the face with combinations of Radiesse and Restylane.
Dr. Tim Neavin is a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Beverly Hills, California.