What is Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia literally translates into “male breasts”. It is important to understand that all men have breast tissue. The nipples and areola are part of the breast. With gynecomastia, there often is palpable hard tissue under the areola. This too, can be normal breast tissue. What makes one male breast normal and the other “gynecomastia” is the amount of breast tissue.
However, there is no simple test or mathematical calculation to determine if one’s breast development is abnormal or true gynecomastia. Instead, the diagnosis is made clinically by physical exam and history. That is, there are subjective components to the diagnosis. To further complicate matters, there are different types of gynecomastia. They are classified by factors such as fatty tissue, breast tissue, and loose skin. The classification system was developed not to confuse or purposefully complicate the diagnosis, but to guide treatment strategies.
Most literature sources will tell you that anywhere from 30 to 60 percent of men will experience abnormal development of their breasts in their lifetime. Thus, enlarged breasts tissue in males is fairly common. Male breasts, often called “man boobs”, can affect one’s confidence and self-esteem since the development of breasts feminizes the chest. Feelings of inadequacy can manifest by embarrassment by being shirtless. In more severe cases even wearing t-shirts since the breasts may be visible through the fabric and cause great duress. Fortunately, there is effective gynecomastia treatment.
Gynecomastia Surgery
The most effective gynecomastia treatment includes surgery, often referred to as male breast reduction. A male breast reduction aims to restore a more natural male chest appearance by reducing the size and shape of the breasts. This is often achieved by removing fatty tissue via liposuction of the breast and chest and glandular excision. In men who have loose skin (often as a result of massive weight loss), skin excision may be necessary as well to properly contour the chest.
However, one would be surprised at how infrequent skin excision is necessary. For most men, the surgery achieves permanent results. The downtime for gynecomastia surgery is approximately 2 to 4 weeks. The satisfaction rate for this type of surgery is very high for a few reasons: One, it relatively isn’t as painful as other body surgeries. Two, it is very safe. Three, it is very effective. Four, it generates very powerful emotions in men who become free of “man boobs”.
Speak with Dr. Tim Neavin to learn more information regarding gynecomastia treatment. Below is an example of a man who had liposuction and glandular excision. There was no skin excision. Yet, look how much the skin has tightened. For before and after photos for male breast reduction, click here.

Dr. Tim Neavin is a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Beverly Hills, California.