How a Brazilian Butt Lift Can Enhance Your Figure
Is achieving a fuller, rounder butt at the top of your list of beauty goals? Lacking size and shape in the buttocks is a hard issue to overcome since exercise offers limited results. Fortunately, with the Brazilian butt lift, we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals and the body of your dreams.
The Brazilian butt lift enhances your figure by using your own body fat to add size and shape to the buttocks. This is an excellent technique, because it results in two things. One, it sculpts of an area of the body where there is excess fat. And two, it reshapes the buttocks using the aspirated fat. Because many fat cells do not survive the process, a plastic surgeon must transfer a significant amount of fat. Thus, one needs a lot of fat to make this operation work.
The BBL Procedure
The procedure begins with defining one’s aesthetic goals. Often, photos are brought into the office to illustrate the perfect size butt. If this goal is achievable, then the next step is to discuss how to get there. But before we get to the nitty gritty of the surgery, it is important to stress one thing again: One needs fat, a lot of fat, to get a big butt.
Naturally, many thin women have small behinds. Well, a Brazilian butt lift may not be a reasonable option for this population. Silicone implants can be considered instead, but they have their own set of potential complications that demand it’s own blog (or book chapter!)
To enhance the buttocks with fat, several hundred cc’s of fat is required in most cases to see a noticeable difference in shape and size. This is because not all of the fat will survive the transfer. And, we cannot predict for sure how much fat will survive. Thus, overcorrection of volume is the rule when it comes to fat transfer to the butt. Did I say you needed a lot of fat?
The real enhancement of a Brazilian butt lift is a result of two procedures:
- Addition of volume to the buttock
- Reduction of volume of the hips and lower back
If big butts are your thing and you have fat you’d like to remove, this very well be the perfect option for you.
Speak with Dr. Tim Neavin to learn more about the Brazilian butt lift by contacting the office.
Dr. Tim Neavin is a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Beverly Hills, California.